Toff says
Gypsy is nearly 4 months old now , and she's a terror ... she wont leave me alone , If she's not pouncing on me to play then she's pinching my toys or food ... of course being the elder brother I act maturely about these things , and either pounce back or pinch my toys/food back off her ... its a bit of a vicious circle really (but without the vicious bit , lol)
Still , she is my Sis , and she looks up to me , always wants to do what I want to do , wont go anywhere unless I go with her ... its kinda cute and im glad she's here , even when I cant get my cuddle alone time with Mum or Dad cos she's always gotta join in
I really enjoyed my first christmas ... I got loads of new toys , a bed and of course, extra yummy food ... Mum says it only happens once a year though :(
still ... theres always my birthday to look forward to :)
Gypsy says
Well i've been here a while now and its been fun, fun, fun
My brother is soooooooo kewl, he knows the best games ... he loves playing 'chase me' and 'steal the toys' and 'its my stick' almost as much as I do ... im pretty sure he isnt as keen when I nick his food , but hey , if its not in his mouth its fair game ... well ok , even if it is in his mouth its fair game too , I dont want to miss out on anything after all do I , hehehehe
We just had something called Christmas and New Year ... I got a lot of new things to play with and sleep on ... and some tasty new things to eat too :)
On New Year there were lots of bangy loud things going off , Mum and my human Sis Jean were looking out of their window , so of course me and Toff wanted to see too ... the loud bangy things were making the sky light up , even though it was dark , it was kinda pretty.
Mum said it was nice seeing two dogs who werent scared of the noise cos it always broke her heart how terrified Buddy used to get with storms and fireworks ... she looked sad for a while and said she missed Buddy
Later on when it was quiet I asked Toff who Buddy was and Toff said he was Mums old dog who has gone to play now at the bridge
I hope Mum loves us as much as she loves Buddy ... Toff says he reckons she does cos we're both way too adorable not to love ... gotta say I agree with him :)
anyway , heres a few photos of me and Toff
TOAST on xmas morning ...Mmmmmmmm

God bless us every one

Poor Toff , its a Pounce attack
Well my goodness you two had a great holiday didn't you? Gypsy and Toffee, you take care of mum and keep giving her lots of love, she needs that as much as you do. Be good doggies, well try anyway!
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