So Mum ... in her wisdom ... said that she was going to put me onto the BARF diet (bones and raw food) as it was obviously what I wanted to eat and that was the main thing , making me happy (Mums words not mine , though I have to say I completely agree , making me happy should be EVERYBODIES priority , hehehe)
So anyway , Mum did some research , asked some online friends who already feed their dogs a raw diet for their input and now i've been eating raw for the last week ... I have to say im loving every second
Dads face was a picture though when Mum gave me some natural yoghurt with a bit of honey and a raw egg complete with shell , he told her theres no way a dog will eat an eggshell if its not starving ... but Mum already knew I would cos she's fed me them before when Dad was at work , he just laughed when I did eat it
Today (saturday) we ran out of raw bones & meat , so Mum , Dad and me piled into the car and went on a butcher hunt ... we visited 4 but none had any raw bones , all been thrown away apparently , (what a waste) , but we did get me loads of minced beef and chicken thighs/wings ... tonight im having minced beef and brown rice for tea, yummy ... Mum says if I want a bone before monday though i'll have to gnaw Dads leg , lol , I doubt he'd be pleased if I tried to be honest so i'll wait :)
Mums snap happy again (when isnt she *rolls eyes*) there I was getting some well deserved rest on the sofa after my walk and next thing I know I have a camera clicking away at me
Its hard work being so cute

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