Tuesday, 31 July 2012

I've just been sitting here for the last 15 minutes watching Teddy sleep.
He's such a sweet , gentle dog , always willing to do whatever is asked of him and all he asks in return is to play catch with his ball

Gypsy is asleep next to him on their sofa (yes they have their own sofa , lol) again she's such a gentle soul , always ready to play , or go for a walk or just snuggle in quietly against me if im not in the mood to run around playing with her

And Toffee , he's downstairs with Steve , his God .... he is probably asleep as well. He is also a gentle dog , loves his cuddles and is sooo devoted to Steve its just the sweetest thing to watch him light up when he see's Steve coming through the gate

I just love these dogs of mine so much and feel so very blessed to have them in my life