Saturday, 31 December 2011

What's your dog's song or songs ?

The question was what song(s) or song titles match up to your dog's different personality quirks? (The songs lyrics don't have to match up to your dog ... just the title)

Toffee's song would be James Taylor & Carole King - You've Got a Friend
Because he totally believes everyone and everything is his friend :)

Teddy's song would be The Doo-Dads - The Ball Song
Self explanatory really , he is ball obssessed :D

and Gypsy's song would be Bruce Springsteen - Born To Run
Because thats what this girl loves to do :)

Saturday, 24 December 2011

Silly Girl , lmao

Most of the pressies are under the tree , but I added a couple more earlier this evening , one of which was a new coat which was in a xmas bag (you know the kind of bag I mean , gaily decorated , with a snowman on the front , and it has handles)

Gypsy came in after a while ... and jumped on the sofa and started growling , snarling and generally being quite aggressive towards the tree area
Didnt take me long to work out she was scared of that pressie ... so I held the bag and coaxed her towards it ... after a few tentative sniffs (and quite a lot of her jumping away from the dangerous article) she has now relaxed and is treating it as just another thing in HER room

Ive always known you were strange , but c'mon Gypsy , a xmas pressie , lmao

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Poor Humiliated Doggies

Gypsy showing what she thinks of all this xmas lark

And again

Toffee ... well its obvious what he is thinking , lol

An my ever so amenable Teddy bear , looking extra cute I think 

And soooo sweet in this pic

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Xmas celebs , lol

This year im sending out cards with the 3 Amigo's on

Heres the original pic ... and below that is the way my cards will look