Ive been working extra hard lately with all three dogs and their 'wait' command and also their excitability when the postie is around
Overall we've been doing well ... this morning was excellent :)
I put the three of them in a wait at the top of the stairs this morning , went down , pottered about , put the kettle on , wandered past the stairs , opened the front door & still the dogs stayed put until I waved them down ... so they will now 'wait' for a good 5 minutes even with the front door wide open , success number one
Posties making his rounds , All three dogs are VERY aware he is in the street, I put them in a sit and say 'wait' , not one dog moved a muscle , there was some excited whining but no-one broke the command , well not until I started lavishing praise on them , then I got buried under an avalanche of fluffy border collies all striving to be the first to get a hug , lol , success number two
Its a good day :D
and just cos I can , a piccie of The Amigo's