Thursday, 24 March 2011

been playing in paintshop pro again

Original photo

pencil sketch effect & Mask (you should click the image to see it full sized , it looks better)
I may print this out and frame it , I really like how it looks

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Twofold success

Ive been working extra hard lately with all three dogs and their 'wait' command and also their excitability when the postie is around
Overall we've been doing well ... this morning was excellent :)

I put the three of them in a wait at the top of the stairs this morning , went down , pottered about , put the kettle on , wandered past the stairs , opened the front door & still the dogs stayed put until I waved them down ... so they will now 'wait' for a good 5 minutes even with the front door wide open , success number one

Posties making his rounds , All three dogs are VERY aware he is in the street, I put them in a sit and say 'wait' , not one dog moved a muscle , there was some excited whining but no-one broke the command , well not until I started lavishing praise on them , then I got buried under an avalanche of fluffy border collies all striving to be the first to get a hug , lol , success number two

Its a good day :D

and just cos I can , a piccie of The Amigo's

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Oh my gawd YOU STINK !

The Amigos had a great playtime on the field today , lots of running and jumping and chasing and general merriment  ... all the things I love to see
A perfect walk  :)

BUT ....
Toffee found something truly icky just before we were due to come home and had to rub his neck in it , luckily we saw him and stopped him before he managed a full body roll in it .... I think it was fox poo cos OH MY GAWD the smell was horrendous
So far he has had two baths and he still stinks to high heaven , Im gonna have to get the tomato ketchup out I think
Why is it always him , lol

Sunday, 6 March 2011

4 border collies

Dont worry , I havent gone and got another dog , lol , this is my lot and a friend of theirs playing in the field