It was a nice peaceful morning , nothing to do so I had just downloaded my emails and then decided to lie on the bed & watch tv with the dogs next to me (hey-ho its a hard life , lol)
suddenly Madam (Gypsy) jumps up and starts growling and snarling in the general direction of the puter ... id never seen her like this before , she looked quite vicious , and she wouldnt stop , stiff legged , hackles up , teeth showing , growling like a demon she jumped off the bed and approached the object that was causing her concern ... the puter chair ?
Its been here for years , big black leather thing with a black cushion on it , she's never bothered with it before , so why now .... what I worked out was I hadnt pushed it back under the desk when I got up , instead it was facing into the room ... a worthy opponent indeed for such a brave little lady :-)
I do love that little black and white girl of mine , but she's pure nuts , lmao
of course Toff couldnt give a damn about any of it , he was still crashed on the bed looking bored by it all , I think he's still planning the next woodstock revival :D
Its pure evil Bwahahahaha