Wednesday, 19 November 2008


Hi , My names Gypsy ... my new brother Toffee told me about this blog and said he gets Mum to write in it for him and that I should get her to do the same for me ... so here goes
Im 10 weeks old now , and at first I was very confused and a little scared when I was brought here , but Toffee was very sweet to me , he let me eat his chews , play with his toys and him and never once grumbled at me , Our latest game is nicking each others toy or treat and goading the other to chase them and get it back , then we start all over again , its so much fun and I know everyone here likes to watch us cos they just laugh when we do it .... I couldnt have asked for a nicer brother :)
I love Mum & Dad too , they are always giving me cuddles and make me feel really safe and secure , better even than that is they give me the yummiest treats and food ... the rest of the family are fantastic too , I adore the kidlets , they never get tired of playing with me , infact its usually me who runs to Mum and snuggles down on her knee for a sleep cos I know she'll make them leave me alone , my big human sister Jean is adorable , she loves cuddling me too and always has time for me , even though she gets very tired herself working and looking after the kidlets
Mum says im super intelligent and have 'been here before' ... since they brought me home ive not had one accident in the house , in the day I go to Mum to let her know I want outside and at night (Mum is sleeping on the sofa with me while she trains me to get used to my crate) I wake Mum up by licking her face , she lets me out , then when im done I come in and wait on the towel by the front door to have my paws wiped , then hop back onto the sofa and go back to sleep ... everyones very impressed with me ... Toff says im a show-off but I think he's just annoyed cos it took him months before he got it right *looks smug*
He did tell me that if I do have any accidents in the house not to worry though cos Mum never shouts , just blames herself for not noticing if we want outside
I think im going to love it here :D

Mum loves my freckles

I can wrap him round my paw if I wanted

who gets the ball
Who gets the Ball (Video)

Sunday, 16 November 2008

Gypsys home

This is Toffee & Gypsy's mum here , Toff got too excited and is all sleepy now so told me to write what I wanted :)
Poor little Gypsy was sick three times on the way home , they'd obviously fed her , poor love , and both Jean and me spent the entire journey trying to stop Toff from joining us in the backseat , lol
Anyway , we got home , let Gypsy and Toff off together in the garden and no problems ... though Toff is totally enamoured with her bum and wont stop sniffing and licking her , bloody pest , lol ... im hoping that calms down over the next couple of days cos im getting sick of saying 'leave' , lol

She's now had something to eat and drink and had a couple of wee's in the garden and has settled nicely downstairs in her crate ... Jeans with her while im up here cos otherwise she cries , but we expected that , its all new and scary for her , bless

Heres our new baby ... she's so tiny next to Toff , lol

Yay , worn out , lol

Saturday, 15 November 2008

Big day tomorrow

Tomorrow (sunday) we're all off to collect the newest member of our family , Gypsy
Mum says im sure to love her , even though she's gonna boss me around ... Mum reckons thats whats going to happen once she's settled and not so scared of all the changes going on around her
I'll help make her feel less scared , im sure she's going to love playing , and im super good at that :D
The whole family is literally bouncing tonight , especially the kidlets ... I must admit im curious , I hope we become good friends :)