im growing up fast , ive almost lost my puppyish good looks , Mum says that now im just adorably gorgeous .... and I give the best cuddles in the world , or so she tells me :)
My training is coming on really well , though I still sometimes dont want to come back when im called , which I know is naughty , but sometimes there are sooo many exciting smells on the field I just cant bear to tear myself away from them ... but I know Mum and my trainer are hatching some evil plan to start making me listen to Mum , all I know is it involves hotdogs and my fave toy on a long piece of line ... thats so not fair , they know i'll do anything for a hotdog
Mums decorating (again) and I somehow ended up with white paint all over my paws , dunno how .... 'looks innocent' .... I honestly wasnt playing with the paint tub lid ... anyway , Mum made sure I hadnt licked any up and washed my paws , she said I was lucky it was only Matt paint and came off easily with just water
She's also ripped up the carpet in the hall , so now I can go sliding when I chase my toys , Mum doesnt like me doing that though cos she worries i'll hurt myself ... if you ask me she can get a little over protective , I mean I am 6 months old now , gimme a break 'sheesh'
Oh yeah , speaking of carpets Dads not very pleased with me , i've eaten a hole in the carpet right at the top of the stairs ... its Mums fault , she left me playing in the hall while she worked in the living room and I got bored (she irons hotel sheets at home for a laundry service on this huge roller type thing , it gets very very hot so im not allowed in the room when she's using it incase I burn my nose)
between me and you , Mums quietly pleased , she wanted to change the carpets anyway , and now Dad has too , hehehehehe
Mum got very excited today , a friend came round on his bike and left it in the garden , so of course I had to investigate it (and claim it) so I cocked my leg and did what us dogs do against the tyre .... but its the first time ive ever cocked my leg before , so all I could hear was Mum being very silly and getting all excited about it , daft woman .... Mum thinks everything I do is cute 'rolls eyes'
Anyway , she took a couple of pics of me yesterday , so here they are
watching the world go by

Nicking the warm spot ... again