My Mum came down in the morning and it was everywhere, all over the crate , my toys ,the carpet, infront of the crate door the wall behind and me
No-one was mad at me though , they just cleaned everything up and gave me lots of love which made me feel better ... it wasnt until tea-time that my tummy was better though
Mum gave me some yummy fresh chicken and rice for tea
Ive felt fine ever since, im back eating my normal food again (shame cos that chicken and rice was delicious) and Mum is giving me my chews again , which is fantastic cos I loooooooooooooove those , though Mum says I make some gross noises while im chewing away :)
I was on the bed tonight gnawing my chew , while Dad was asleep , and Mum reckons he must have been deaf cos I was making some LOUD horrible noises while chewing , lol
what can I say ... chewing makes me happy
Heres a cute pic of me , just to make you all happy , hehehehe