Mum forgot to tell you all that ive been microchipped , at least two weeks ago now ... really , her memory is awful , but at least she never forgets to feed me , hehehehe
didnt bother me getting it done either , the nice vet lady put some treats down for me and I was so busy chomping them up I didnt notice that she used this huge needle to inject the microchip ... im soooooo brave huh (can you just forget im a greedy boy when it comes to treats , lol)
My collar broke today on the field ... I was training , wearing my longline , with Mum and this woman came onto the field with three small kids and a big dog , she let the dog off the lead and he came bouncing up to us straight away , Mum told me to sit and I did , but this dog just kept jumping on me knocking me over , he was friendly enough , but I could tell Mum wasnt happy that the dog wasnt under control ... the woman and kids were screaming the dogs name but he took no notice so they came over , put him on his lead and left ... less than 200 yards away she let the dog off the lead again , and he came straight back and knocked me over again ... by now Mum was very annoyed and asked the woman to control her dog. She said ok , put him back on the lead and told my Mum he never came back when they called him , then she took him across to the other side of the field ..... all done yes ?
Not a chance , once over the other side of the field she let him off lead again ... and yup , he came straight back to us , Mum didnt see him coming and he barreled right into me and tore the longline off my collar , ripping the D-ring , my tag and my hi-res blinker off ( which made me yelp cos it hurt my neck) ... which are now lost , somewhere on the field , Mum couldnt find them even though she searched for ages :(
eventually the kids came over for their dog (I guess the woman could see how angry Mum was and didnt want to come herself)
Anyway , Mums ordered me a new collar , and even though it made her cry , she is letting me use her Buddys collar until my new one gets here ... I promised her id look after and treasure my time wearing Buds collar cos I know how much she still misses him , im giving her extra licks and snuggles tonight cos she is missing him more cos of the collar
Thursday, 26 June 2008
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
Lots of fun
Ive been busy , busy , busy

Ive been learning to 'Heel' , which Mum says is important cos she likes her shoulder in the socket , whatever that means , apparently im doing rather well at it :D
My recall is coming along nicely too ... im 100% when its just me and family , but I do tend to get distracted with other dogs in the field , but Mum isnt worried, she says im still a baby and i'll get it eventually , she's really proud of me
My 'stay' is coming along nicely too ... I manage to make myself sit still for 5 whole seconds , a looooooooong time for me , you better believe it :)
Mum was talking to the nice personal trainer lady earlier on tonight , and she's learnt that 3 hours a day exercise is a little too much for me , so we arent going on the field at midday now (Just mornings and evenings) , instead we will be working on other stuff , like improving my stay , and heel , and a new command 'Hold' , where im supposed to hold a toy in my mouth until Mum takes it from me , at the moment I drop toys at her feet to throw for me when I bring them back
Ive had loads of fun on trips out too lately ... Mum and Dad have taken me to lots of different places
heres two pics of me and Dad at Llay Burton , which is a little place in Wales
Heres another two pics taken at a huge lake thats about half a mile away from where I live, its really deep though so Mum wouldnt allow me to go off lead incase I got into trouble
I saw a rabbit
These were taken this weekend gone at Worlds End , another place in Wales
Hiya Dad
OK, thats it for now , but please leave me a comment , Mum always reads them to me and I love to hear from you all :)
Thursday, 12 June 2008
Today in the Field
Mums very tired but she promised to update this tonight for me
I now have a personal trainer , she's a lovely lady , I like her a lot ... she said im a very well behaved dog considering my age , and she's going to be coming once a week to help Mum make sure I grow up nice and obedient and not have any nasty habits (like 'herding' the kidlets , which I still do now and then *looks ashamed*)
Mum , Dad and the kidlets took me onto the field today , like Mum does every day , but this time Mum remembered to bring the camera , so heres some pics of me & my family ... im 4 and a half months old now :)
Dad , me and the kidlets
Bunnyhopping through the grassMmmmmm tasty
I love you too Jamie
Catch me if you can Louise
Me and Mum
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